On Thursday, October 8th, 2020, the Art in Medicine Program at the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix, in partnership The Arizona Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired held a special Vision Awareness Month viewing and virtual panel discussion for the documentary film Going Blind from Peabody Award winning producer/director Joseph Lovett.
Joseph Lovett has been losing vision to glaucoma. In an attempt to gain a better understanding on how to deal with further vision loss, he spent five years meeting and talking with people who have already been through the process. Through their generosity and insight, Joe comes to understand that losing vision is not the end of this world. The film straightforwardly confronts the fears and prejudices about the blind that are so subtly a part of everyday lives - noticed only by someone who is losing his or her vision. See the trailer here.
Moderator Jaime Cerreta, anchor/reporter from Arizona's Family, Producer/Director of "Going Blind" Joseph Lovett, Mandi Conway, MD/Ophthamology and Paul Bendheim, MD/Neurology from the University of Arizona College of Medicine, and Adam Zimmerman, Attorney, Employee Relations for CVS Health in Scottsdale and ACBVI Board Member, held a panel discussion about blindness and vision loss and how the film looks at each aspect of vision loss: preventing, treating and coping.