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The REQUIEM Project

In November artist Tina Rath brought The REQUIEM Project to UACOM-P. Large paper canvases were laid out in the lobby of the HSEB and students, faculty, and staff were invited to draw circles to honor a loved one who died due to COVID 19. Guests are invited to add circles and names while the project is on display on the 4th floor of the HSEB.

"The REQUIEM Project was developed in 2020 as a way to understand the staggering loss of life due to the COVID 19 pandemic. One circle represents one person who died from the virus. By drawing golden circles, we recognize a person shines brightly long after they die while meditating on the cycle of life, death and rebirth. Together we create something beautiful and radiant from this horrible time." - Tina Rath, artist and creator of The REQUIEM Project

To learn more about Tina Rath and The REQUIEM Project visit here:

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