In September students visited the Phoenix Art Museum and participated in exercises in communication and descriptive language. The opening brain warm-up activity asked participants to select one work of art and write a one sentence observation. Students were then asked to pick a single word from their descriptive sentence and expand on it. The students repeated this exercise multiple times. The group discussed subjective vs objective language and how environment impacts communication. The museum visit also included a partner activity where groups of three selected a piece of art and wrote a few descriptive sentences about the piece. The sentences were then uploaded into the artificial intelligence program imagine.art to see how AI generates an image. The groups compared what AI generated as art with their originally selected artwork. Students discussed if AI was able to interpret what they were describing. You can try it yourself, experiment with describing art and AI at this link. The end reflection for the activity was the message is only as good as interpreted by the receiver so it's important to make sure you are communicating what you intend.